Your privacy is important to us. You can view Our Privacy Policy describing what information is collected by this Application and the manner in which it is used under 'Settings'. 

Your Medical and Medicaid Information

In order to use many of the features of this Application, including features which allow you to access Your healthcare information, You will need to have a Medicaid Card and be an active Medicaid recipient.  If You are not a current Medicaid recipient, please visit Your state Medicaid office to request Medicaid benefits and obtain a valid Medicaid card.  All of the information accessed, used, stored and submitted on or through Your Medicaid account is subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)  and the Privacy Policies of Your State Medicaid Department.

Information Collected by This Application

Each time You use the Application it will automatically collect the following information:

(1)  The IP address You used to connect to Our servers;

(2)  Information about the device You are using, including the operating system version, and device model;

(3)  Information about the Applications such as the application version;

(4)  Diagnostic information about the Application, including any Application errors or crashes;

(5)  Log information about Your session, such as the date, time and duration of Your session, and the pages and areas of the Application You have used, and

(6)  Your login information, upon logging into Application, for the purpose of verifying Your identity and whether you have previously logged in to the Application.

This information is collected solely for CNSI's use to provide the services and functionality relevant to Your use of the Application.  By clicking the 'I Agree' button when you download the Application, you consent to the collection of the above user and device information by CNSI as outlined above. If, at any time, You cease to consent to allow CNSI to collect this information, You may revoke Your consent by immediately ceasing Your use of the Application or by removing the Application from Your mobile device.    

How We Use and Disclose the Information We Collect

The data collected by this Application is transmitted to CNSI and securely stored on CNSI's servers in the United States. We will not share this information with any third party in identifiable form. We may use or disclose aggregate and de-identified data collected during Your use of the Application for research, educational, and product development purposes, and to solicit user comment and feedback, and in connection with publications. The de-identified information cannot be used to identify or contact You.  

Changes to Terms

We reserve the right to amend this policy at any time by posting changes on our website and updating the effective date of the policy to reflect the date of the changes. By continuing to use the Application after we post any such changes, you accept the Privacy Policy as modified.

User Questions

If You have any questions or concerns about the Application or CNSI's Privacy Policy please contact Us at [email protected].